STATEMENT: too many things i find on the interwebs/life/literature from day to day for me to remember it all. so here is what i can remember, when i remind myself to write on here.
DISCLAIMER: i like the idea of the internet as something that is perceived as intimate, however is extremely public. i will do my best to balance this in a way that makes me feel comfortable. or maybe i'll challenge it? i don't know. i'm just saying.
THOUGHT: when did the internet become such a relivant thing? i know it was over time, but at one point people took this powerful tool with a grain of salt. now--(for some) its life.
MYSELF: a current graphic design student at mason gross school of the arts, rutgers university. a love of knitting, sewing, design, sustainability, making art, reading(currently: the lives of lee miller), city planning, maps, running, bikerides. a respect for music, music makers, film makers, vegans, physicists, the passionate, general smartasses.
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